
Books, web pages, programs and practices to support your whole being

Programs for personal growth and nature connection


Ryzio Institute: These programs blend somatic work with leading scientific principles of healing. Deep inner child work and experienced of being witnessed and supported by a group. Join the free, online community here

Wild Muskoka: Wild food and medicine artisan creations and fantastic workshops to deepen your connection to the plant world.

Chris Outdoors- One of my greatest pals (along with his wife Laura at Wild Muskoka). Chris is a gifted teacher who helps people deepen their relationship with nature

ActiveDays - This is a community hiking group run through Parkbus for folks who don’t have access to a car to get to cool places across Ontario.

Brown Girl Outdoor World- Outdoor excursions from a crew - looking to change the narrative of the outdoor world to include stories and voices of BIPOC community members

Dreaming Waters Gathering: A women’s ancestral skills gathering- tending connection to land and eachother.



Radical Acceptance - Tara Braach

Kosmic Conciousness - Ken Wilbur

Braiding Sweet Grass - Robin Wall- Kimmerer

The Power of Vulnerability - Brene Brown

A Man’s Search for Meaning - Victor Frankil

Belonging - Toko Pa Turner

Iron John - Robert Bly

When the Body says no- Gabor Mate

King Warrior Magician Lover

The Prophet - Kahlil Gibran

Women who Run with the Wolves - Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Sitting by the Well - Marion Woodman

Soulcraft - Bill Plotkin

The Body Keeps the Score - Bessel van der Kolk